
Muhurat Trading is a ritual followed by Indian Traders on the auspicious occasion of Diwali

On the day of Muhurat trading, BSE and NSE open trading windows for about 2 hours,  normally the session commences from   6:15 PM to 7:15PM

In Muhurat trading, the term 'Muhurat' stands for the auspicious time. In Hindu custom, Muhurat is a time when planets are aligned favourably to give positive results in one's work and life.

The Muhurat trading would take place to mark the beginning of the new Hindu year, Samvat 2079, which begins on Diwali

According to people's beliefs, trading during this one hour give a better chance or oppurtunities of earning wealth and gaining prosperity throughout the whole year.

The "Muhurat Trading" has become more of a symbolic than a cultural gesture because people believe the period is auspicious.

Most Hindu investors do Lakshmi Pujan and then buy shares of solid companies that can generate good long-term returns.

Muhurat Trading 2022On Monday, October 24, 2022, the BSE and NSE will perform an one-hour Muhurat trading for this Diwali.

According to a notification from the BSE and NSE, trading would begin Muhurat Trading across various segments at 6:15 p.m and conclude an hour later at 7:15  p.m

Will start at 6:00 pm and remain until 6:08 pm


Will start at 5:45 pm and remain until 6 pm