FIR filed against Vivek Bindra amid controversy

Vivek Bindra Faces Legal Scrutiny

Vivek Bindra, renowned motivational speaker, is entangled in a domestic  violence case. Recent developments shed light on increasing troubles in  his personal life.

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Noida Police Investigation

On December 25, Noida Police visited Vivek Bindra's society,  intensifying their efforts in the domestic violence case. CCTV footage  scrutiny and information gathering are underway.

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Allegations and Legal Proceedings

Vivek Bindra, married to Yanika on December 6, is facing serious  accusations. A complaint filed by his brother-in-law on December 9 led  to an FIR on December 14, citing domestic violence.

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Disturbing Incident

The complaint alleges an altercation on December 7, a day after the  wedding. Vivek Bindra reportedly assaulted his sister, resulting in  severe injuries to Yanika, including hearing loss and head wounds.

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Ongoing Police Investigation

Noida Police, seeking evidence against Vivek Bindra, spoke to society  guards and collected CCTV footage. The investigation intensifies as they  aim to build a case.

Legal Response and Victim's Condition

Yanika's lawyer reveals new evidence against Vivek. Yanika, recovering  from injuries, plans to meet the police post-hospitalization to escalate  legal action.

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Controversy Involving Sandeep Maheshwari

The situation intertwines with Sandeep Maheshwari's expose video on  YouTube, uncovering a big scam in the online course industry.

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Vivek Bindra Responds to Sandeep Maheshwari

Vivek Bindra enters the scene, addressing Sandeep Maheshwari's video.  Open to discussion, he defends himself and his courses amid a growing  war of words.

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Threats and Counteractions

Sandeep Maheshwari reported threats after exposing the alleged scam.  Vivek Bindra joins the discourse, offering to discuss the matter openly  for clarity.

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Ongoing Drama

As the controversy unfolds, both Vivek Bindra and Sandeep Maheshwari  engage in a public discourse. The situation remains fluid as legal and  online battles continue.

Image: Google