It has been 14 years since India’s financial capital, Mumbai, was struck by a gruesome terrorist attack on November 26, 2008

The horrendous attacks inflicted deep scars on the psyche of every Indian.

Till November 2021, more than 300 coastal security exercises were conducted with state authorities by the Indian Coast Guard since the 26/11 attack.

In the aftermath of the 26/11 Mumbai attack, the Indian government has taken several steps to put an anti-terror security framework in place.

Then Union Home Minister P Chidambaram, who took over the office immediately after the terror strike, introduced an ambitious programme to overhaul the country’s internal security apparatus.

The ease with which the LeT attackers had reached Mumbai exposed India’s incompetence to protect its coastal cities.

The 26/11 attacks led to the transformation of the management of India’s coastal and maritime security.

The government took bold measures for the better vigilance of India’s sprawling coastline which included the raising of Sagar Prahari Bal (SPB) and the induction of fast interceptor crafts (FIC).

Till November 2021, more than 300 coastal security exercises were conducted with state authorities by the Indian Coast Guard since the 26/11 attack.

Sea Vigil, the extensive coastal defence exercise conceptualised in 2018, is being carried out since 2019 by the Indian Navy in coordination with the Indian Coast Guard and agencies involved in the tasks of maritime activities.