Practice Set – 1 | Idioms and Phrases | General English for Competitive Exams

1. Idiom – Take on a new significance.

Phrases –  to become suddenly more meaningful.

2. Idiom – Go pear-shaped

Phrases –  to fail.

3. Idiom – Down to earth

Phrases – practical and direct.

4. Idiom – Wouldn’t touch with a barge pole

Phrases – do not like to interfere.

5. Idiom – A different kettle of fish.

Phrases – completely different from something mentioned.

6. Idiom – Out with the old and in with the new

Phrases – make a new start.

7. Idiom – In a New York minute

Phrases – temporary.

8. Idiom – Pull up his socks

Phrases – make a greater effort to improve.

9. Idiom – The baby needs shoes

Phrases – one hopes for good luck in a game.

10. Idiom – Brand spanking new

Phrases – totally new.

11. Idiom – When one door closes, another opens

Phrases – if one fails in doing something, one will succeed at something else.

12. Idiom – Bring it on

Phrases – to make something happen, usually something bad.

13. Idiom – Behind the scenes

Phrases – unknown to everyone.

14. Idiom – Apples and Oranges

Phrases – two unlike things or people.

15. Idiom – To burn the midnight oil

Phrases – to work till very late in the night.

16. Idiom – At stone’s throw away

Phrases – at a short distance.

17. Idiom – To miss the boat

Phrases – to miss an opportunity.

18. Idiom – Hats off to someone

Phrases – congratulations to.

19. Idiom – Hale and hearty

Phrases – healthy.

20. Idiom – To cut both ends

Phrases – to argue in support of both sides.

21. Idiom – Tag get away with

Phrases – to escape from something.

22. Idiom – Bone of contention

Phrases – a subject of dispute.

23. Idiom – On shank’s mare

Phrases – on foot.

24. Idiom – In harmony with

Phrases – in agreement with

25. Idiom – To hold your horses

Phrases – to have patience

26. Idiom – Get out of hand

Phrases – uncontrollable

27. Idiom – To have the gift of the gab

Phrases – to be eloquent

28. Idiom – A snake in the grass

Phrases – a secret enemy

29. Idiom – Bite off more than one can chew

Phrases – to take more than one can deal with

30. Idiom -Under the gun

Phrases – to be under pressure

31. Idiom – In a nutshell

Phrases – in brief

32. Idiom – At the drop of a hat

Phrases – instantly

33. Idiom – A hard nut to crack

Phrases – a difficult problem

34. Idiom – Spill the beans

Phrases – to leak the secret

35. Idiom – A red letter day

Phrases – a memorable day

36. Idiom – To eat humble pie

Phrases – to accept error

37. Idiom – Storm in a teacup

Phrases – big fuss over a small issue

38. Idiom – To take French leave

Phrases – leave without any intimation

39. Idiom – To burn all bridges

Phrases – to destroy all relations

40. Idiom – A blessing in disguise

Phrases – hidden favor

41. Idiom – Cutting corners

Phrases – saving money

42. Idiom – Like a cakewalk

Phrases – extremely easy

43. Idiom – Tit for tat

Phrases – to do harm as done to you

44. Idiom – Crying over split milk

Phrases – feeling sorry over a mistake that cannot be changed

45. Idiom – Apple of discord

Phrases – something that causes friction

আমাদের দ্বারা প্রকাশিত অন্যান্য পোস্টের আপডেট পেতে আপনারা আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজ এবং টেলিগ্রাম চ্যানেল জয়েন করে রাখতে পারেন | এর ফলে আমরা যখনই কোনো নতুন পোস্ট আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে পাবলিশ করব আপনারা তৎক্ষণাৎ তার নোটিফিকেশন পেয়ে যাবেন |

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Tags: English idioms and phrases Practice Set, English Vocabulary, General English Practice for Competitive Exams

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