Beginning with D | Idioms & Phrases | General English for Competitive Exams

Idioms and Phrases beginning with D 

1. Donkey’s year – A very long time.

2. Dog days – Hottest days of summer.

3. Dead ringer – A duplicate of the exact things.

4. Dark house – One who was previously unknown but is now prominent.

5. Dog’s life – A miserable, unhappy existence.

6. Down to earth – Simple, decent.

7. Down to heel – Out of luck, shabbily dressed.

8. Doom and Gloom – To make someone angry or irritated.

9. Drive up the wall – Don’t put all your resources into one thing.

10. Dead and buried – If someone is dead and buried, it has all long been settled and is not going to be reconsidered.

11. Dead in the water – If something is dead in the water, it isn’t going anywhere or making any progress.

12. Dip your toe in the water – When you start something carefully because you are jot sure whether it will work or not.

13. Devil of a time – If you have a devil of a time you have a very difficult time.

14. Devil’s advocate – To present a counterargument don’t count your chickens before the eggs have hatched.

15. Don’t give up the day job – you are not good at something.

16. Down in the dumps – A gloomy, unhappy.

17. Do for – Fulfill the purpose

18. Draw up – To draft.

19. Drop a line – Send a brief letter.

20. Dot the i’s and cross the t’s – To do something very carefully and in a lot of detail.

21. Dig own grave – Do something stupid that will harm oneself, and cause one’s own ruin or downfall.



আমাদের দ্বারা প্রকাশিত অন্যান্য পোস্টের আপডেট পেতে আপনারা আমাদের ফেসবুক পেজ এবং টেলিগ্রাম চ্যানেল জয়েন করে রাখতে পারেন | এর ফলে আমরা যখনই কোনো নতুন পোস্ট আমাদের ওয়েবসাইটে পাবলিশ করব আপনারা তৎক্ষণাৎ তার নোটিফিকেশন পেয়ে যাবেন |

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Tags: Idioms and Phrases, English for Competitive Exams, General English Idioms and Phrases

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